Hello, my name

Muthu Selvi M

Software Developer


About Me

Software Developer

Name: Muthu Selvi M
Birthday: 2 August 2002
Degree: Master of Computer Application
Phone: 91+ 8072901013
Email: muthuselvimariappan28@gmail.com
Address: 92a,Amman sannathi street,Tirunelveli
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My Skills

  • Java Spring Boot
  • Html,Css,js,Bootstrap,jquery
  • React js (Basics)
  • Computer Networking (L1,L2)
  • Cloud Computing
  • UI UX designer (Mobile App)


Education & Experience

My Education


Municipal Girls Higher Secondary School | 2017 - 2018



Municipal Girls Higher Secondary School | 2018 - 2020


Manonmanium University (Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli)

Bachelor of Computer Science | 2020 - 2023

78% with Distinction

Anna University (Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli)

Master of Computer Application | 2023 - 2025

8.8 CGPA (pursuing)

My Experience

Java Spring Boot (Internship)

Srishti Innovation at Technopark Trivandrum | Excellent

I successfully completed a one-month internship in Java Spring Boot at Srishti Innovation, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum.

Udemy Course

Front End Web Development | Good

I completed a 33-hour Udemy course on Front End web development frameworks.

Great Learnings

UX UI Design | Excellent

I completed a UX UI design basic course on the Great Learning platform.


My Projects

Bargain Bee Market Place Website (Java Spring Boot, React.js)

The Bargain Bee Marketplace is an online platform designed for buying and selling products. It uses Spring Boot for backend operations, React for the frontend, and MySQL for database management. The platform features user authentication to protect user data, product categorization for easy navigation, and management of shopping carts for a streamlined shopping experience.

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IGP-Based Networking Enterprises

This project aims to design and implement an IP-based enterprise network that ensures high availability, scalability, and security. It involves a detailed analysis of current infrastructure and future requirements, followed by the development of a comprehensive network design. The implementation will configure routers, switches, and other network devices to optimize performance and reliability. The result will be a modern, efficient network that supports seamless communication and data exchange across the enterprise.

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Campus Recruitment Management System

A system that uses PHP for the front end. A database for this project's backend is made using MySQL. There are three types of modules used in this project: Student login, Admin login, and Company login. Campus Recruitment Management is a platform that provides an interface between students and companies. The system simplifies the student placement process. Based on the students' choices and educational background, the system generates a list of appropriate companies. According to the necessary skills, the system provides a list of eligible students from a pool.

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Responsive Restaurant Portfolio

The Responsive Restaurant Portfolio project aims to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully responsive website for a restaurant. This portfolio showcases the restaurant's menu, ambiance, services, and contact information while ensuring an optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

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Music Library Management

The Music Library Management System project is designed to provide a comprehensive web-based solution for managing a digital music library. It allows users to organize, search, and interact with their music collections efficiently, leveraging PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL for a robust and user-friendly experience.

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Recipe App in React Native

The Recipe App project aims to provide a user-friendly, mobile-responsive platform for discovering, managing, and sharing recipes. Developed using React Native, this app enables users to explore a diverse range of recipes, save their favorites, and create custom meal plans, all from their mobile devices.

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My Portfolio

  • Computer Networking
  • Design
  • Development
  • Spring Boot java


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